Friday, May 21, 2010

Stop ME!

Goodness me....someone needs to STOP me. I have spent MORE time, online, reading...okay LOOKING and then reading. Enough! I know it will happen, though I do know I can't sit at home and "wait" for it to happen (so thus, get online). Oh my.

Its been a very busy week for me; aside from my lunch date ...that with a fair amount of reflection, the guy STRUCK out before we ever sat down for lunch. You don't sit with "friends" on a first date; I do NOT care how nervous you are. We are all nervous.

And then in the process of it all, I have some fear that I alienated myself from the guy I have met, have IM with, and do like.... NO, I did not confess undying love for him. I at least have some pride left. Maybe scared him off?

I told a friend "I suck" when it comes to men, to flirting. She suggested I change that to my "headline" and see just how many frogs I got with it!! I said, "I'd probably even attract lizards."

As for the guy above, while there has been no correspondence since Thursday morning... you can usually find out who is "checking you out," and so far....we're even. He's likely to get, though.... a little shock, by the time the weekend is over. While getting my nails done, I had a bit of a naughty thought. Nothing obnoxious or obsene....just something I haven't seen yet (online) and something he probably will not be expecting. So maybe my flirting skills aren't sucky.... they just need toning.

I'm thinking of sharing my blog with more people; including some guys I went to high school with. Time will tell.

For now, I really need to do something besides sit at my computer.

Thanks for reading!


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