I've decided, frankly, that sometimes you can't really tell after 3 dates.
You can usually tell the 1st date if you like one another.
During the 2nd date you can usually tell if you want to go one more time,
however I'm at a quandry. The next date I go on, with Lodge Grass, will be date 4.
I'm certainly NOT ready to have sex with him.
Honestly, I'm not even sure how I really feel about him.
So the 3 Date Rule - well I'm throwing it out the door with Lodge Grass.
IN fact, I've been reading a book called "Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man," and in it, the author says to make a guy "wait" 90 days to see what he is all about, before you have sex with him. Make sure you know where the relationship is going and just what HIS intentions are.
Frankly, I think if you like a guy - and it may not be STARS and BONFIRES at first - both of you ought to live by the 90 day rule.
I have been single, living on my own for 6 years. In that amount of time, it has become my girls and I. We are a family. And to bring someone into this space, it isn't the same as when I was in my 20s. It isn't the same as the first few years I was divorced - and I somewhat easily brought "them" in (and that makes me sound like more of a tramp than I was, I wasn't). Now... this is my home and I am responsible for what goes on in it. I am also responsible to Stella and Snuggles and I'm not risking their happiness....for a mans.
In 90 days, you'll know each other well enough...and if by then, there STILL isn't any STARS (atleast), then throw in the towel.
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