Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Ugly Truth

Yes, I watched the movie last night after being prompted by a friend to watch it more than once. Great movie! I LOVED it, especially love Gerald Butler.

Blogging, writing, journaling are great tools. They really are. We just take so little time to write.

So Big Timber crashed and burned; turns out he is a 43 year old man with the mentality of a 13 year old. He is a cruel boy that points out things that are so unimportant at such an early stage in a relationship. And I told him so; told him I needed a man in my life, not a boy. I need a man who is giving, who realizes that a relationship is about BOTH sides of the equation, not just HIS needs in bed.

The other thing to Big Timber is the guy is 43. He has 5 children (now that I think about it, what he told me, they might be from 2 different wives). His youngest AT BEST is only 18. And he has no contact with them, left them on the mainland while he goes to Hawaii. In his profile, he also talks about his dog, that he apparently "loves," yet left her too.

So far, though, the hardest one to really swallow is my Rodeo Date. I had such high hopes for him, and while I'm not waiting (I really am not), it is difficult to not want him to come around. Grow up. I don't even know if its grow up - I think it is more like Dry Up. He is a MEAN drunk.
And a friend I went to college with, one time shared some insight from her mom - find out what a man is like when they've been drinking. A mean drunk is a WARNING sign. There is a reason he's been divorced twice. Though I have to say that if he was "dry," he'd probably be a great guy. But I can't wait for that, especially since he didn't even apologize for letting me walk home from the street dance, alone - or even call to see if I made it home safely.

My girlfriend, WL, who has been on this journey with me from the beginning told me last night that if I learned something from Big Timber and Rodeo then it was NOT all for nothing. What I learned is that in about 3 weeks, they both showed something that wasn't apparent in the opening. And it wasn't pretty, nor was it something that I wanted to deal with for any length of time.

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