Friday, April 27, 2012

"Just Friends"

No.  Sometimes we can't be "just friends."  Sometimes life just dictates that.  It's a good thought, it makes everyone feel better that we'll just "be friends."  The truth of the matter is... if there was a hope of something more, or something more occurred, being "just friends," is a work in progress.  And sometimes it just doesn't happen.

My blog from yesterday morning, I questioned whether to share it.  Because I don't mean to hurt this man, or his wife - should they get wind of it.  There is that risk. At the same time, only this man, his wife and myself, know who they are.  And I won't share who they are.

By writing this out, I woke up with a more solid clarification of what has happened.

What has happened is that I have, through no fault of my own, lost a friend.  I cannot be "just friends" with this man, even though on my part, all we have been is... "just friends."  Telling me that he wants to remain friends, wants to be my "best friend," is so he can go about his life - trying to figure it all out - without hurting me.

I truly believe that he does not want to hurt me or his wife.  However, no, we can't be "just friends."  We can't be friends.  At least not until he comes to grips with 1) his feelings, 2) why he is having these feelings and 3) what he is going to do about them.  And he may never.

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