Thursday, April 19, 2012


So four dates, 2 weeks and a run in with the ex-girlfriend he claimed to be over, led to "THE TALK" last night.

At noon they were going to some "environmental" movie that she wasn't all  that interested in - hey! it was an opportunity to spend time with him and see what else they had in common!

By 5:30, she was sending texts saying "that guy I was seeing, I'm not seeing anymore.  Apparently he isn't ready for another relationship."

HUH?  What?

My very immediate response was "OH FUCK.  Wanna go get drunk?"

I seriously couldn't believe it.
I don't know why.

Turns out he sent her a text mid-afternoon saying "I'm not ready for a relationship right now." Or something to the effect.  She responded, rightfully so, with "I'm  not going to get into this via text."  So then he asked to come over tonight to "talk."  To have "The Talk."

The talk consisted of him jammering around for 5 minutes, wanting to not be a jerk, not wanting to hurt her, not really wanting to have to "do this," and yet having to do this... and finally she told him, "out with it, okay?  I'm 10 years older than you, I've been down this road before, just say it already."  And so he told her,  he wasn't ready for a relationship right now.  He thought he was and then he ran into his former girlfriend (*former fiance) whom he'd broken up with months ago, the night before and apparently realized he still had feelings for her.

He told my friend, "you can keep my movie, you can watch it and get it back to me,"  and of course added that he wanted to "still" be friends, and she said, " no...why would I? It isn't like we are going to be hanging out, because that is what friends do.  They hang out together."

If "THE TALK" had happened say 4 months down the road, it would have made sense.  But now?  What's the purpose?

..............and thus... when we are in need of talking, of sharing and we put "quotation marks" around our need... it really means HELP!  

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