I don't want to appear religious, though I do believe I have a strong faith.
I do believe that God is with me, always, even if He doesn't appear as I want him, or even when I want him to....or more so, exactly HOW I want Him to.
A friend of mine recently recommended a book called "Plan B." The book, from my understanding, talks about "what if God doesn't appear as you expect Him to, is He still around?" And the answer (in the book) is yes. And that God doesn't owe you anything - He gave us life. Just because things aren't coming together as you want, you plan and pray about, that doesn't mean that God has left you.
Anyways, again this morning I found myself thinking of the 3 men that I've crushed on since... April? May? And how, in a sense, two of them, kind of fell by the way side. One of them, because I simply only had one-avenue of contact and that has ended. The second, because he has a girlfriend (for one thing). The third, I've maintained contact with - and do rather like him.
Is God's hand not in this? Is He not partially responsible for how, for where I've met these men? and thus, for how life has played out?? And if I put my faith in God, put my Trust in God, then wouldn't it seem that if two men have fallen by the way-side, if only temporarily - though that remains to be seen, that I ought to Trust that?? Trust that God does know me, does know my needs, wants, desires, and what is best for me, and is providing?
I certainly do have a fear in this relationship that is being developed, as the third man, is recently divorced. And yet, it doesn't "feel" like the many other men I have met at this stage in their life. Where I literally wanted to hurl at the thought of them holding my hand, again. As though their very life depended on whether I was within running their hand through my hair or not. His being doesn't feel desperate.
So shall I not, or Shall I, Trust....well... in God? That He knows my needs, my wants, my desires and that He is there. He is here. He is working, in my life.
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