Friday, June 18, 2010


Remember, self, this is an adventure! You have no idea where the road is going to take you, you might not even like the road once you get on there and have to turn back! or at least part of the way home!

Oh what has happened... I don't want to tell you. I'm ashamed - yes. I'm HOW old and I act like I'm 12. Why would any MAN want me, when I act so... silly. Stupid. Yet not.

Okay, so why go after some guy that only wants a woman within 100 miles from him? Some guy who really hasn't asked you much about yourself. Some guy who clearly needs a woman to be creative, because his creativeness doesn't venture past Riverton and gambling (at this point, I'd venture to say it might...but who really knows).

I've had great emails from BCody and K-ND. Nice, real, get to know you emails. Both men, I might add, are looking past their noses. Now, I have someone in Rapid City, who has a darling picture with a girl - it looks like he's having a real conversation with an 8 year old. It is so sweet it melts my heart. He doesn't think I look my age (most people don't). So, there's a chance opening. I have some Short "Still Here" guy who I haven't seen and at the moment, am uninterested. Perhaps because he is 5' 7". Ya, I'm looking for taller. And then PacificWaterman. Who at the moment, we are looking at a time to meet in Big Timber at the KOA - play some putt putt...maybe throw the nerf football! And if things SPARK, I won't have to go dutch with him. NO pressure there. :)

In the meantime, I told Crotchedy JA that I was looking for a man - not really a specific man - though specific in that someone of interest....someone to kiss. I guess you could say I broke up with CJA without realizing it; I say this because he is now on one of my "free 'dating' sites". I'm not over joyed about it, though he is out of my age range.

Yes, remember this is an adventure. Its to be fun. Not OMG. Except that I did email Pinedale and basically said, "I'll be in your town, how do I get a hold of you? and its your choice as to whether or not you meet me." ODG! I want to say "what was I thinking?" Who the hell knows. Well, that's not true. I know what I'm thinking. And yet, do I? Oh, its just an adventure. Let it go where it may.

Its an adventure. And definitely time to go to bed.

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