Good Morning,
This is just difficult. And makes me think of the movie "You've Got Mail!" and how excited they felt when they had mail and how UNHAPPY they felt when they didn't.
Answers to some questions from friends - Mike is not an original cute guy; he isn't ugly (from his pictures), he just isn't the guy I was originally attracted to. He found me (which isn't a bad thing). And as said in earlier posting, he and I do not share some - what? It isn't that I think I have to agree with you and you have to agree with me, Mike's a red neck.
Pinedale is the OMG Handsome man that I really do like. I do hope I didn't mess up my opportunity to meet him and then on the other, if I did - then it wasn't meant to be and HIS loss. So I am thinking positively regarding Pinedale and myself.*
* I just read in Oprah: Find Comfort in Discomfort - Accept that you will never get rid of self-doubt. An adventurous person will always have moments of feeling like a fraud - its a sign that you're creating new roles for yourself, that you are evolving. It means you're doing great, passionate work.
Nothing in life WORTH HAVING is easy. Not to say that we have to purposely make it more difficult.
Which leads me to Ed. He told me I could call him Ed, Eddie or Edward. I'm trying Ed for now. He lives in Massachuesettes. I like his writing style and his sense of humor. He has a few pictures posted - and captions that are just funny. I do like the name Edward, though Ed or Eddie are more my style.
Another fella from Massachuesettes wants to train me in leather. I'm not sure exactly what THAT means yet, stay tuned!
RancherAlways (His online name is something like that) remembers seeing me at a concert here in town a few weeks ago. He lives in Montana; he even remembers what kind of beer I was drinking. Wow! See - You never can tell!
I think I'm meeting Newcastle this afternoon for an early dinner. Newcastle seems like a nice man, that's all I can really say about him at the moment.
I want Adventure! and of course LOVE! And Mail! or MALE!
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