Friday, December 17, 2010

The Egg or the Chicken?

So what did come first, the Egg or the Chicken?

I am wondering, if I had launched this "search" a year ago, would I feel as I do today? I ask that, as I'm cutting out 3 bathrobes for Christmas Gifts today, and I do feel a peace. I feel a peace knowing that I can go into my sewing room with music blaring and feel some contentment.

I haven't always had this peace, and sometimes the peace alludes me even now.

A friend of mine said, "you've had better luck than I had with dating on line. I only met one person." Maybe it really is just timing.

What came first... dating or the contentment?

Monday, December 6, 2010


Freeze!! That's kind of how I feel at this moment in my dating life. More like frozen, and everyone else is too. Perhaps it is time to focus on family and self, and keep things going just at home and not worry too much about ...about what? About a love life? Have I given off vibes that say "leave me, don't love me?" I feel that way. Though at the moment, everything feels like it is 3' under the snow.

In the past month, I've had 2 dates, 3 interests. First date was boring and there was no spark; 2nd date was fun, there was spark until he decided he had feelings for another at a very BAD time. The 3rd interest - I would say on my part, there really was an interest. Surprisingly from my side of the coin. About 10 days into the email communication, he announces he has some family stuff that needs his attention and he needs to humbly withdraw himself from a possible relationship.

But seemingly good, seemingly like a balanced guy - really, how would I know? He seemed like a balanced guy, is he? Who knows.

In the meantime, a shy guy that works here in town has shown interest. I can't respond at the moment; I'm not interested in shy guys. Not even if they are Tom Sellack handsome.
And a guy that is agnostic has emailed. I would have to say what little he has shared, has piqued my interest. Though I do believe. And I won't change that.

I still converse with A-ND. Though he is frozen in ND and no one shares a lot of good news on Minot.