Friday, April 8, 2011

A Moment of Something

I just had a moment of feeling fat (okay these specific moments are many right now, as I need to get into a better fitness program) and so un-lovable, undesirable, when a friend popped into my mind.  And the thought of her, and all that she is, reminded me to be comfortable with who I am, and all that I have to offer.

It was a moment of something.

I've started to put my fishing line back into the water.  I took it out, and put it to rest a few months back when I hadn't met anyone that I wanted to at least dig a worm up for.

However, I really want a companion. 
Yes, I want sex.  Yes, I want great sex.
Though when it comes right down to it, I want someone to tell my silly stories to, someone to drink coffee with and discuss even politics with -
someone that cares if I am late, or if I fell with my bike.  Simply someone who I can run my hands through his hair, and if he has none... well, I'll probably find another loving way to touch him. 

So as I continue on my path, I probably will find myself have "A Moment of Something."